The Worst Football Dives Ever — Ham Actors

Football dives
Video clip Rating: four / 5

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25 Responses to “The Worst Football Dives Ever — Ham Actors”

  1. hainzy Says:

    I wonder what the old man city keeper (back in the 50’s) would of thought of this…..he played the 2nd half of a game with a broken neck.

  2. hainzy Says:

    @HereKittyKittyxoxo Football….is the greatest game in the world…..its just some of the players are cheating scum without dignity.

  3. HereKittyKittyxoxo Says:

    proof that soccer sucks

  4. senorgrande1984 Says:

    0:57 player got sniped

  5. Dvaergen123 Says:

    they must be italian’s all og them ha ha ha ha ha

  6. FlipThiss69 Says:

    @MrBaggies4lyf The thing that actually gets on my nerves is the “soccer” term. This is why they suck with their feet and are a pleasure to watch play. It’s funny. Like little kids kicking a football for the first time.

  7. swettybettybob Says:

    1:45 and he missed!! haha good, cheating faggot

  8. wickediron75 Says:

    and the Oscar goes to………………….

  9. TheLoeschler13 Says:

    0:22 to 0:33 GODLIKE 😀

  10. volcanboy Says:

    referees are stupid


  11. hawkstrike18 Says:

    Just watch this video without sound, with
    playing on another tab.

  12. MrBaggies4lyf Says:

    @FlipThiss69 ennit mate, typical american prick. cant handle the fact football is the most popular sport in the world.

  13. Doweyyy Says:

    vidic one wasnt a dive :L

  14. garrowsfeild Says:

    wat the heck happened to his face 2:21

  15. FlipThiss69 Says:

    @MrBaggies4lyf I don’t understand why you are trying to argue with a fucking imbecile. Obviously he’s a fucking ignorant. They have a sport called Football played with their hands. Need to say more?

  16. JordanAndGregShow Says:

    this makes me think of darth vader playing guitar in a farmer outfit

  17. HenryHill777 Says:

    hahahaaa gilardino 1:14 he got hit by a sniper

  18. Xxxfindingemo123xxX Says:

    all soccer players are wimps and sore losers so they HAVE to fake injuries

  19. brahim121985brahim Says:


  20. forceable25 Says:

    thumbs up for weird ass star wars music

  21. Baxendale96 Says:

    1:28 = funniest dive i have ever seen

  22. pisserke8420 Says:

    “Stars Wars going panflute ‘n guitar”

  23. WoolyWoolwine83 Says:

    @MrBaggies4lyf I never said they were THE greatest, i said they were AMONG the greatest. I even said that Federer and Nadal could and probably will surpass them. I never said we were responsible for everything, nor did I imply that. I was just pointing out that, contrary to your belief, we actually provided SOMETHING, not everything. You’re the one being arrogant and displaying that all-too-familiar English superiority complex.

  24. MrBaggies4lyf Says:

    @WoolyWoolwine83 so there not the bets players every to play the game then… prick. We created hockey, where would canada have got the idea from it field hockey didn’y exist? Agassi has just admitted to doing drugs whilst playing tennis, so i dont think he should be classed as “the greatest player of all time”. Your an arrogant american who generally thinks you are responisble for everything aha.

  25. WoolyWoolwine83 Says:

    @MrBaggies4lyf “agassi, macenroe, samprass” Three of the greatest tennis players of all time, thank you very much. Until federer and Nadal surpass them, that is.

    “Without great britain ice hockey wouldn’t have been created”

    Switch out “great britain” with “canada” and you’re good to go. Then again, Canada was a british creation, so if that’s what you meant….